近期博客文章 建筑热衰竭 夏天来了,随之而来的是炎热. 对于那些从事建筑工作的人来说,这意味着压力, 疲惫, 脱水是工作场所最令人担忧的问题. While some of us are sitting behind a computer in an air-conditioned office, 有许多工人在经营他们的生意... 浴室改造的主要趋势 Homeowners undergoing bathroom remodels in the past year reported strong demand for general contractors, 关注产品选择的技术前沿, 以及消费价格中位数的上升. 为了确定今年最受欢迎的浴室选择,Houzz 调查了超过2570名美国房主... 为你的项目选择合适的木材 虽然很诱人, cost should not be the driving factor in choosing the 正确的 wood for your project. 一般来说,像松树和杨树这样的软木比较便宜. That’s not a problem, if you’re building a simple shelf or making crown moldings. 如果你要做的东西需要... 夏季建筑安全会议主题 安全培训对任何承包商来说都是必不可少的, and regular safety meetings can share important information with entire crews, 部门, 和工作人员. Opting for specialized construction safety meeting topics for the summer is a great way to refresh and update safety procedures seasonally, 但... 7月4日周末项目 每个房主都希望自己的家看起来最好, 还有很多容易的, effective projects you can tackle over a summer weekend to spruce up your home. These quick projects are ideal for the July 4th weekend or any long weekend when you want your home to shine. 为什么夏天的周末... 你的甲板:重做或改头换面? 如果你的旧甲板看起来破旧不堪, you might be thinking it’s time to demolish it and start over with a newly designed deck. 虽然这是一个完全合理的方法, there are others ones that may better suit your need --and your budget. 取决于你现有的条件... 如何给砖上漆 砖可以是你家里的一个可爱的外观, 但暴露, 生砖并不总是你装饰视觉的最佳选择. Knowing how to paint brick can let you transform any classic brick surface into the color of your dreams. 家里的砖 砖是一种经典的外部装饰,但可以... 在冬天来临之前修理漏水的屋顶 在很长一段时间内,屋顶漏水似乎不是什么大问题, 干燥的夏天, 但是随着冬天的临近, 进行必要的修复是至关重要的. Fixing a leaking roof before winter can keep the costs minimal and ensure the roof is ready to handle the snow and ice of the winter months. 问题... 最好在冬天前完成项目 随着冬天的临近, 这是完成各种家庭项目的好时机, 室内和室外. 这些项目不仅会让你的家更舒适, 但 they can also improve energy efficiency and prepare your property to safely withstand the winter storms to come. 十佳... 家庭组织和存储解决方案 Home organization and storage can be a big problem for many homeowners. Many of us either have too much stuff for a space that’s just not big enough or we are those people that never throw anything way. Regardless of which bucket you fall in, you still have to have somewhere to put all of it and... 你的甲板或露台的季节结束清单 It’s been a great summer and you’ve been enjoying your patio or deck as much as humanly possible, 正确的? Well, remember early this spring when you opened up your deck and all of the work you put into it? By preparing your outdoor living area for the upcoming harsh weather, you could not only make... 夏季草坪护理 Summer is a fantastic season to enjoy your lawn, from relaxation and games to picnics and parties. 不管你怎么利用你的院子, 然而, you need to provide the best summer lawn care to keep your grass healthy and thriving under all of summer’s stresses. 夏天如何给草坪带来压力 夏天可能会... Is Fence Installation the Next Big Opportunity for Home Improvement? 户外空间是2021年最热门的改造趋势之一, 但 designing full-scale outdoor living rooms may be out of scope for many companies. 然而, there is still an opening for home improvement professionals to get in on this gold rush: fence installation. “鉴于关注的增加... 在厨房使用混凝土的四种方法 家里所有的房间里, the kitchen is where home buyers place the highest priority in terms of functionality, 流线型的设计, 他们最有可能选择顶级材料的地方. 最近一位房地产经纪人说.com的报告, 带“杀手厨房”的房子的销售速度要快8% 比... 为你的风格选择最好的五金饰面 Updating the hardware on your doors and cabinetry is an easy, affordable way to refresh your space. Choosing the best hardware finishes for your style can add personal flair and instantly give your home an updated, 个性化的外观. 但哪种收尾最适合你? 更换哪些硬件 A... 家里的趋势 你的家需要更新吗? 你想让你的空间焕然一新吗? Do you want to add more personal flair and distinction to really make your home a reflection of you? There are many exciting home trends that could be perfect to give your home the customization and character you... 改善家中空气质量的小贴士 许多人认为空气污染只是室外问题. 事实上,室内空气质量也同样重要. Perhaps even more so, when you consider the amount of time spent indoors. Poor inside air quality is due to many factors such as a lack of ventilation, 建筑材料中的化学物质... 声音阻尼墙 The Gold Bond brand SoundBreak XP Ceiling Board is the last addition to National Gypsum’s PURPLE family of noise-reducing drywall products. The SoundBreak XP drywall units consists of two pieces of gypsum board covered in a specially-designed purple paper and laminated together with a viscoelatic... 注意事项:检查你的绝缘材料和防风雨条 As the cold weather approaches and your furnace begins its annual duties, 我们经常想办法使我们的家更节能. One thing that can make a big impact on energy savings at a reasonable cost is inspecting your insulation and weatherstripping. 随着时间的推移,挡风玻璃可以... 高效甲板建造 If you’re not familiar with the Fast-Cheap-Good project triangle, you should be. That’s because it’s a great tool—applicable to virtually any line of business—for recognizing and dealing with unrealistic clients. You know who I’m talking about: the ones who seemingly demand museum-quality work on a... 如何修复混凝土剥落 混凝土剥落不仅仅是表面难看, 它会给任何混凝土结构带来真正的问题. 幸运的是, spalling can be easy to fix without the need to completely replace all the affected concrete. 关于剥落 剥落,也称为结垢,发生在水分过多的时候... 如何为甲板浇筑基础 安全、稳定的基础对于一个高质量的甲板是必不可少的. 适当浇筑地基, you give your deck a strong base so you can enjoy that outdoor living space for years. 基础的重要性 Footings provide the reinforced support for a column that then supports the deck structure.... 如何安装甲板栏杆柱 坚固的柱子对安全可靠的甲板至关重要. 正确地安装柱子并不困难, 但 it does have to be done carefully to ensure a firm railing on a deck you can enjoy for years. 职位的重要性 柱子是支撑甲板栏杆的基础. 无论如何... 阵亡将士纪念日周末项目创意 阵亡将士纪念日被认为是夏季娱乐的开始. 露营地, amusement parks and beaches all typically mark the long weekend as their season’s opening. 如果你发现自己在阵亡将士纪念日的周末呆在家里, there’s another thing the holiday weekend is known to kickoff which might be... 工地冠状病毒安全和预防的最佳做法 随着美国新冠肺炎病例数量的增加.S. increases, a majority of states are mandating the closure of non-essential businesses. The construction industry is receiving "essential" designations in most states, 允许项目继续进行,企业继续营业. 辅助施工...
建筑热衰竭 夏天来了,随之而来的是炎热. 对于那些从事建筑工作的人来说,这意味着压力, 疲惫, 脱水是工作场所最令人担忧的问题. While some of us are sitting behind a computer in an air-conditioned office, 有许多工人在经营他们的生意...
浴室改造的主要趋势 Homeowners undergoing bathroom remodels in the past year reported strong demand for general contractors, 关注产品选择的技术前沿, 以及消费价格中位数的上升. 为了确定今年最受欢迎的浴室选择,Houzz 调查了超过2570名美国房主...
为你的项目选择合适的木材 虽然很诱人, cost should not be the driving factor in choosing the 正确的 wood for your project. 一般来说,像松树和杨树这样的软木比较便宜. That’s not a problem, if you’re building a simple shelf or making crown moldings. 如果你要做的东西需要...
夏季建筑安全会议主题 安全培训对任何承包商来说都是必不可少的, and regular safety meetings can share important information with entire crews, 部门, 和工作人员. Opting for specialized construction safety meeting topics for the summer is a great way to refresh and update safety procedures seasonally, 但...
7月4日周末项目 每个房主都希望自己的家看起来最好, 还有很多容易的, effective projects you can tackle over a summer weekend to spruce up your home. These quick projects are ideal for the July 4th weekend or any long weekend when you want your home to shine. 为什么夏天的周末...
你的甲板:重做或改头换面? 如果你的旧甲板看起来破旧不堪, you might be thinking it’s time to demolish it and start over with a newly designed deck. 虽然这是一个完全合理的方法, there are others ones that may better suit your need --and your budget. 取决于你现有的条件...
如何给砖上漆 砖可以是你家里的一个可爱的外观, 但暴露, 生砖并不总是你装饰视觉的最佳选择. Knowing how to paint brick can let you transform any classic brick surface into the color of your dreams. 家里的砖 砖是一种经典的外部装饰,但可以...
在冬天来临之前修理漏水的屋顶 在很长一段时间内,屋顶漏水似乎不是什么大问题, 干燥的夏天, 但是随着冬天的临近, 进行必要的修复是至关重要的. Fixing a leaking roof before winter can keep the costs minimal and ensure the roof is ready to handle the snow and ice of the winter months. 问题...
最好在冬天前完成项目 随着冬天的临近, 这是完成各种家庭项目的好时机, 室内和室外. 这些项目不仅会让你的家更舒适, 但 they can also improve energy efficiency and prepare your property to safely withstand the winter storms to come. 十佳...
家庭组织和存储解决方案 Home organization and storage can be a big problem for many homeowners. Many of us either have too much stuff for a space that’s just not big enough or we are those people that never throw anything way. Regardless of which bucket you fall in, you still have to have somewhere to put all of it and...
你的甲板或露台的季节结束清单 It’s been a great summer and you’ve been enjoying your patio or deck as much as humanly possible, 正确的? Well, remember early this spring when you opened up your deck and all of the work you put into it? By preparing your outdoor living area for the upcoming harsh weather, you could not only make...
夏季草坪护理 Summer is a fantastic season to enjoy your lawn, from relaxation and games to picnics and parties. 不管你怎么利用你的院子, 然而, you need to provide the best summer lawn care to keep your grass healthy and thriving under all of summer’s stresses. 夏天如何给草坪带来压力 夏天可能会...
Is Fence Installation the Next Big Opportunity for Home Improvement? 户外空间是2021年最热门的改造趋势之一, 但 designing full-scale outdoor living rooms may be out of scope for many companies. 然而, there is still an opening for home improvement professionals to get in on this gold rush: fence installation. “鉴于关注的增加...
在厨房使用混凝土的四种方法 家里所有的房间里, the kitchen is where home buyers place the highest priority in terms of functionality, 流线型的设计, 他们最有可能选择顶级材料的地方. 最近一位房地产经纪人说.com的报告, 带“杀手厨房”的房子的销售速度要快8% 比...
为你的风格选择最好的五金饰面 Updating the hardware on your doors and cabinetry is an easy, affordable way to refresh your space. Choosing the best hardware finishes for your style can add personal flair and instantly give your home an updated, 个性化的外观. 但哪种收尾最适合你? 更换哪些硬件 A...
家里的趋势 你的家需要更新吗? 你想让你的空间焕然一新吗? Do you want to add more personal flair and distinction to really make your home a reflection of you? There are many exciting home trends that could be perfect to give your home the customization and character you...
改善家中空气质量的小贴士 许多人认为空气污染只是室外问题. 事实上,室内空气质量也同样重要. Perhaps even more so, when you consider the amount of time spent indoors. Poor inside air quality is due to many factors such as a lack of ventilation, 建筑材料中的化学物质...
声音阻尼墙 The Gold Bond brand SoundBreak XP Ceiling Board is the last addition to National Gypsum’s PURPLE family of noise-reducing drywall products. The SoundBreak XP drywall units consists of two pieces of gypsum board covered in a specially-designed purple paper and laminated together with a viscoelatic...
注意事项:检查你的绝缘材料和防风雨条 As the cold weather approaches and your furnace begins its annual duties, 我们经常想办法使我们的家更节能. One thing that can make a big impact on energy savings at a reasonable cost is inspecting your insulation and weatherstripping. 随着时间的推移,挡风玻璃可以...
高效甲板建造 If you’re not familiar with the Fast-Cheap-Good project triangle, you should be. That’s because it’s a great tool—applicable to virtually any line of business—for recognizing and dealing with unrealistic clients. You know who I’m talking about: the ones who seemingly demand museum-quality work on a...
如何修复混凝土剥落 混凝土剥落不仅仅是表面难看, 它会给任何混凝土结构带来真正的问题. 幸运的是, spalling can be easy to fix without the need to completely replace all the affected concrete. 关于剥落 剥落,也称为结垢,发生在水分过多的时候...
如何为甲板浇筑基础 安全、稳定的基础对于一个高质量的甲板是必不可少的. 适当浇筑地基, you give your deck a strong base so you can enjoy that outdoor living space for years. 基础的重要性 Footings provide the reinforced support for a column that then supports the deck structure....
如何安装甲板栏杆柱 坚固的柱子对安全可靠的甲板至关重要. 正确地安装柱子并不困难, 但 it does have to be done carefully to ensure a firm railing on a deck you can enjoy for years. 职位的重要性 柱子是支撑甲板栏杆的基础. 无论如何...
阵亡将士纪念日周末项目创意 阵亡将士纪念日被认为是夏季娱乐的开始. 露营地, amusement parks and beaches all typically mark the long weekend as their season’s opening. 如果你发现自己在阵亡将士纪念日的周末呆在家里, there’s another thing the holiday weekend is known to kickoff which might be...
工地冠状病毒安全和预防的最佳做法 随着美国新冠肺炎病例数量的增加.S. increases, a majority of states are mandating the closure of non-essential businesses. The construction industry is receiving "essential" designations in most states, 允许项目继续进行,企业继续营业. 辅助施工...
jdb电子试玩2000网站 注册独家优惠,信息和更新! 电子邮件地址 * 利益 利益 承包商 DIY /房主 架构师 <但ton class="btn btn-primary mc-btn" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-1" name="subscribe"> 报名 但ton>